



本公司自創立至今一貫秉持 為客戶提供最完美及最優質的(de)服(fú)務(wù)之經營理念不斷改良及創(chuàng)新(xīn)求進以及一貫選取高品(pǐn)質的原材料工(gōng)藝不斷提升所出品的齒輪承蒙本港及國內外各行各業(yè)用家樂意採用深受各界的(de)一(yī)致(zhì)好評

本(běn)公司總麵積15000平方米現有職工200餘人其中有專業技術人員60餘人擁有各類大小型的先進生產設備與(yǔ)檢測設備務求能(néng)設計及製造更精準的齒輪現(xiàn)本公(gōng)司生產的齒輪已達日本規格(JGMA  2級以上(shàng))在技術上符合客戶更高的要(yào)求(qiú)在品質上給客戶信心的保證而在這幾方(fāng)麵本公(gōng)司普遍贏得了客戶的信賴


Company Brief Introduction


Gear Industrial Company Ltd. established in 1994 is a professional plastic gear production factory that can provide such professional service as technique support, product development and production .Our products are mainly involved in toy production, household appliance production and office articles .

We history in this industry. To provide perfect service for the clients is our operation concept. Due to our improved techniques, good quality materials and good management, our products win good reputation from the industry at home and abroad.

Our Company Total 15000m2 land, more than 200 workers including more than 60 technicians are working here and different kinds of advanced production machines and testing machines are used for the production, which make our factory more stronger. We are striving to create first-class factory, design and manufacture good gears that meet with client’s requirements. Our product’s specification has met with Japanese Standard (over JGMA 2). The clients are confident with our product’s quality. Nowadays, Our products have widely established client’s confidence and obtained appraise. We believe that we will provide best service and products under your support.
